Christopher Bach


In my free time, I enjoy exploring art and design outside the confines and constraints of professional practice. Though architecture requires a high degree of creative thinking, I find relaxation in my off time through other more “right-brained” forms of artistic expression. Over the years, I have dabbled in various creative endeavors including stained glass, painting, pottery, and even knitting.


Create for a Cause

For the past seven years, I have been participating in a fundraising event put on by local commercial furniture and flooring vendor King Business Interiors. Each fall, designers in the industry from around the city are invited to come to their offices to paint a ceramic object, usually a plate or a bowl, which is later auctioned to raise funds for a local charitable cause.

Stained Glass

The old, single-pane windows of my first apartment were fractured from many years of the building shifting and settling. I noted how the cracking patterns resembled the tracings of a stained glass window and so became intrigued with learning how to work with glass.